WORLD NEWS! Protestors Converge on Chinese Embassy. The HSUS criticizes the mass slaughter of dogs and offers China an incentive for a more humane approach.
Now, in spite of all this, from November 7, 2006, the Beijing Municipal government will also start this massive dog killing campaign. Before that date, the Sino-African Beijing Summit will be held, thus, the Beijing municipal government is reluctant to distract the police power from the summit. It is hard to estimate how many dogs will be killed this time in this campaign. According to reliable sources, this dog killing campaign aims to engage all social forces; and this campaign will be coordinated directly within the government. According to the government’s plan, this “dog regulating work” will be phased in three stages.
We also have news that the Beijing dog keepers/guardians are ready to take on the streets at 11 o’clock on November 11, 2006 against the 35cm rule. It’s hard to tell the outcome of the demonstration. Moreover, from now till the day of the demonstration, many dogs will still lose their lives!
We pledge for your attention on the massive dog cull in Beijing and save them from this pitiful lot! Stopping the dog cull in Beijing can also educate the rest of the Chinese cities to prevent a national dog cull.
We have no idea what lead to this dog cull. If it's because of the Olympics, fearing that visitors may get infected with rabies, I'm sure you agree with me that the Olympic Games cannot and should not be an excuse or achieved through blood and murder!
I, representing all the dog keepers/guardians and those who love dogs so dearly, as well as everyone who appreciates life and peace, may they be in Beijing or anywhere else in the world, humbly ask for your help and consideration to do whatever you possibly can to end this.
Do spread the word and thank you,
P.S. We need the whole world to know about this. Please help...